
Lloyd is a licensed therapist (L.C.S.W.) practicing with the Manassas Group in Roanoke, VA. He received his undergraduate degree in psychology from Hampden-Sydney College, VA, and his Master’s Degree from Tulane University in New Orleans. He completed his internship and was later awarded a Fellowship with the Department of Psychiatry at Louisiana State University Medical Center.
Lloyd is a life long student and teacher of martial arts. Having traveled to various parts of the world and even having lived in Japan to deepen his learning, he views the cultivation of discipline and awareness through martial training to be a parallel path to the mindfulness and freedom to be developed through the therapeutic process. He is a husband and father and lives with his family in Roanoke, VA.
My Thoughts on the Practice of Therapy
“We’re all just walking each other home.” -- Ram Dass
The above quote from Richard Alpert a.k.a. "Ram Dass" is a wonderful way to look at life but also the process of therapy. It is a collaborative effort. We are there together. We travel from beginning to end, sharing, providing direction, and encouragement. We look at old things from new perspectives and we make totally new discoveries. We appreciate the journey, up hills and down and we learn from it. We arrive where you most want to be, where you are most comfortable, confident, and secure. We arrive where you are most completely yourself, which is what HOME is supposed to be.
In my clinical practice I have found the negative impact of trauma in many cases regardless of the "problem" which originally brought a person to seek help. Traumas are those life experiences which impact you in such a way as to cause you to be stuck on "high alert", always tense and anxious. They are not just single dramatic experiences, but are also the chronic long term stressful conditions which will not let you sleep at night or make you suspicious of new people. Traumas are the experiences which steal your confidence in yourself and your sense of worth. Traumas take a part of you and leave you feeling less than who you used to be.
As a specialization in my practice, I use a variety of clinical interventions to help clients overcome the effects of trauma and chronic stress in their lives. Clients literally learn how to reprogram their brains and re-calibrate their nervous systems. They heal and regain themselves with a sense of wholeness and serenity.
As a specialization in my practice, I use a variety of clinical interventions to help clients overcome the effects of trauma and chronic stress in their lives. Clients literally learn how to reprogram their brains and re-calibrate their nervous systems. They heal and regain themselves with a sense of wholeness and serenity.